2013 mixed media sculpture materials: filing cabinet, several pairs of shoes, fake plant, panty hose, select-a-month calendar (size large), empty 3 ring binders, management guidebook with no pages, end table mounted to strip carpet and plywood on casters 78” high x 39” wide x 42” deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: plastic toy animals, vinyl table cover, pillow, softball mitt with softball and ABC gum, little league bat with hand-burned lettering “BALLS”, silk flowers, sneaker, shopping bag, plastic “practice finger”, vinyl floor files, baseball caps, 3 headed teddy bear (hand-sewn), cell phone, earring, ribbon, lock, animated bird cage, scrap wood, hardware, and plywood base on casters 53.5" high x 53” wide x 15.5" deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: scrap materials and unfinished artwork in container made with scrap wood, hardware, Plexiglas, and chalkboard on dolly with casters. 73" high x 33" wide x 16.5" deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: filing cabinet, several pairs of shoes, fake plant, panty hose, select-a-month calendar (size large), empty 3 ring binders, management guidebook with no pages, end table mounted to strip carpet and plywood on casters 78” high x 39” wide x 42” deep
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2013 mixed media sculpture materials: filing cabinet, several pairs of shoes, fake plant, panty hose, select-a-month calendar (size large), empty 3 ring binders, management guidebook with no pages, end table mounted to strip carpet and plywood on casters 78” high x 39” wide x 42” deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: plastic toy animals, vinyl table cover, pillow, softball mitt with softball and ABC gum, little league bat with hand-burned lettering “BALLS”, silk flowers, sneaker, shopping bag, plastic “practice finger”, vinyl floor files, baseball caps, 3 headed teddy bear (hand-sewn), cell phone, earring, ribbon, lock, animated bird cage, scrap wood, hardware, and plywood base on casters 53.5" high x 53” wide x 15.5" deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: plastic toy animals, vinyl table cover, pillow, softball mitt with softball and ABC gum, little league bat with hand-burned lettering “BALLS”, silk flowers, sneaker, shopping bag, plastic “practice finger”, vinyl floor files, baseball caps, 3 headed teddy bear (hand-sewn), cell phone, earring, ribbon, lock, animated bird cage, scrap wood, hardware, and plywood base on casters 53.5" high x 53” wide x 15.5" deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: used clothing, scrap wood, mirror, laundry basket, silk flowers, tampons, shopping bags, hangers, etc. on plywood structure with hardware and plywood base on casters. 81.25” high x 38.25” wide x 40.75” deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: used clothing, scrap wood, mirror, laundry basket, silk flowers, tampons, shopping bags, hangers, etc. on plywood structure with hardware and plywood base on casters. 81.25” high x 38.25” wide x 40.75” deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: used clothing, scrap wood, mirror, laundry basket, silk flowers, tampons, shopping bags, hangers, etc. on plywood structure with hardware and plywood base on casters. 81.25” high x 38.25” wide x 40.75” deep
2013 mixed media sculpture materials: scrap materials and unfinished artwork in container made with scrap wood, hardware, Plexiglas, and chalkboard on dolly with casters. 73" high x 33" wide x 16.5" deep
2013 mixed media wall-mounted sculpture materials: police mirror, fluorescent bulb, file stand, 2 stock photos on paper, seashell, bible, plastic practice fingers, wallet, keys, and perfume on plywood base. 51" high x 26" wide x 8.25" deep
About this work:
This group of artwork investigates consumer values, gender roles, and cultural identity through the lens of America's most affordable commodities - including dollar store replicas, thrift shop purchases, and repurposed consumer waste.
As individuals within a consumer economy, our identity is both constructed and expressed by the objects we own. In contrast to notions of the unique or individual self, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the cars we own - all are products of the greater socio-culture to which we belong. While we may choose to buy certain objects or demonstrate that we are capable of buying them, as consumers our sense of self is partially created by what we own.